
Are you an expert on a pop culture topic and want to share your knowledge with other fans? 

Want to meet others with your same interests? Want to create a fan experience at MidWest FanFest

Panel Policies


To thank you for providing a panel, each panelist and 1 (one) co-host will receive compensation for their time. For every 30 minutes of panel time, MidWest will provide a voucher worth $5.00 towards next year’s admission or MidWest merch.  These vouchers can be collected after all panels have been run at the panel table. Vouchers for next year’s admission will be issued in the form of a discount code that can be applied when registering on the website.


MidWest FanFest accepts no responsibility for the content of panels hosted by its attendees. MidWest does not extend any form of legal protection to panelists. Panelists are wholly responsible for the content presented in their panels.